Tummy Calm - Pure and Natural Homeopathic Anti-gas Drops for Infants and Children

As a mother of five children I am all too familiar with the phrase, "Mommy, my tummy hurts!" Tummy trouble caused by painful gas, food or drink intolerance, junk food overload, or just plain nerves occurs in American babies and children every single day.  My seven-year-old daughter suffers from child anxiety which often leads to stomach aches.  My husband and I tried several over the counter remedies but found that many of them contain harmful chemicals or worse have side effects.  Thank goodness I found Tummy Calm, an all natural homeopathic remedy for gas and stomach aches for infants and children.

The first and only homeopathic anti-gas drops for children sold in America, Tummy Calm provides fast relief of stomach aches and the accompanying gas,   bloating, cramping and more.  When I gave my daughter tummy calm for her stomach ache she found relief within ten minutes.  It helps take care of digestive pain and stimulates self-healing. Tummy calm is safe to give to infants for colic, hiccups or teething and children 12 and under for gas pain or digestive trouble.  

"Parents can feel good about giving Tummy Calm for safe, gentle and quick relief of these very common complaints in children," says Jacqueline Lawrence, founder and president of TJL Enterprises the makers of Tummy Calm. "As a mother, I set out to create what I believe is the smart alternative to simethicone, which, for years was the go-to for parents and pediatricians, even though studies show it is not effective.  Many popular simethicone-based products have been taken off shelves in America, creating a new demand for alternatives.  Whether produced by air swallowed during eating or from crying, stomach aches brought on by nerves, or from foods or drinks that do not agree, Tummy Calm naturally helps soothe little digestive systems. Plus, babies and children love the taste."

For more information about Tummy Calm natural gas relief visit TummyCalm.com

*Disclosure: I received a bottle of Tummy Calm pure and natural gas relief in exchange for this review.  All opinions are accurate and 100% mine.

Cascia TalbertCascia Talbert is a busy blogger, publisher, freelance writer, online merchant and mother of five children, living in The Pacific Northwest. With a B.A. in history and law and a passion for writing and staying healthy, she started The Healthy Moms Magazine in 2007. The Healthy Moms Magazine is currently ranked the top health blog for moms and features several health expert writers and mom bloggers. Ms. Talbert believes that if mothers are well educated on health issues and how to stay healthy, they can pass that information down to their children and reverse the childhood obesity statistics in the U.S.

Ms. Talbert is a featured health blogger at Wellsphere.com and her articles can also be found on ezinearticles.com. She also runs the Healthy Moms Social Network on Ning, is the Chief Marketing Officer for Talbert Nutrition LLC,  and is on the Social Media Advisory Board for America's Wellness Challenge. Follow her on . 

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