Fitness Friday #BlogHop #LinkUp - 5 Tips to Stick with Your Fitness Goals this Summer

Mother Running With Daughter
Summer is just around the corner. It won't be long and your kids will be home all day, it will be hot outside, and your weekends will be filled with family picnics, trips to the beach and grilling out.  Summer is a fun and busy time of year. Don't let summer spoil your fitness routine. Here are a few tips to help you stay on track during these warm months.

Schedule it.

If your weekends are pretty full already for the summer make Saturdays and Sundays your rest days.  Plan your workouts around your husband's schedule. If he leaves for work at 8am, go for that run at 7 so you can get home before he has to go.  Use your calendar and put a red x on the days that you plan on working out.  Once you have a schedule stick with it.

Include your kids in your workout.

Plan some family fitness activities that you can all do.  Go for a hike at a nature trail or state park. Or, go for a family bike ride. Some other fun fitness activities you can do with your kids during the summer include: swimming, rollerblading, outdoor basketball, jump roping, canoeing, volleyball and badminton. 

Find a Fitness Friend.

Find a friend to workout with you. Maybe there is another mom in your neighborhood who likes to go running just like you.  Working out together not only is great company but you can support each other as you work towards your individual fitness goals.

Sign up for a summer fitness class or sports league for adults.

Local parks and rec departments and YMCA's often offer classes and sports leagues for adults.  You can check online or give them a call to find more information on summer fitness programs for adults.

Don't give up.

Know your goals and stick with them.  If you remain positive and keep working hard by the end of summer you will be proud of what you have achieved.

*Image courtesy of

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    Chandra Sullivan - Spark Your Motivation
    Tere Scott - Teachable Scott Tots Homeschool
    Danielle Nabozny - Lip Gloss and Yoga Pants
    Lisa Belanger - Inspire Me Well
    Maryann Mitchell - It's Not Food, It's Me
    Angela Barnets - Fit Personified
    Wendi Barker - Wendi's Book Corner
    Lacey Baker - Love Lacey 365

    About Our Founder

    Cascia Talbert is a busy blogger,  and mother of five children, living in Spokane, WA. With a B.A. in history and law and a passion for writing and staying healthy, she started The Healthy Moms Magazine in 2007. The Healthy Moms Magazine is currently ranked the top health blog for moms. Ms. Talbert believes that if mothers are well educated on health issues and how to stay healthy, they can pass that information down to their children and reverse the childhood obesity statistics in the U.S.

    Ms. Talbert  runs the Healthy Moms Social Network, is the founder of Healthy Moms Media, and also blogs at You can follow her on, and

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